Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Too Rye Loo Rye Too Rye Loo Rye AYE!

As I write this I'm sitting in my second/final hour of the day: Newspaper. I was in this class in sophomore year and I hated it, but my guidance counselor thought that maybe my tastes in classes had changed in two years. They haven't. It's not that I hate writing, because I really do love it, it's just the politics that come along with it.

I get to sit around and do nothing. We can't even have good internet! I'm having to make this as a WordPad document (my laptop doesn't have Word or other Microsoft programs yet, so I have to use WordPad, save it to my flash drive, then import this when I get home and have time to post) because my blog is blocked. It's under the category "Forums and Newsgroups." I understand blocking porn and websites on how to make your own drugs or whatever, but I hate that they have to block every single form of free speech. And over Christmas break, they blocked my favorite game site. I'm ticked. sigh....(at this point I left school, went home, made a sandwich, talked to some friends, took a shower then went to karate. It is now 11:21...)

Anyways...I had something completely and utterly awesome to talk about tonight, but I forgot. I only go to school until 11:00 now, so I need to figure out what to do with my new free time. I think I may start running/jogging/having an asthma attack/dying where no one will find me/making my mom worry/having my iPod stolen by an unsympathetic hobo/being found/making people sad, but I'm thinking that may be unsafe. I could run where no one could see me, but I value my life and don't want to be kidnapped by the devil worshippers that live by the river, but I don't want to run where people can see me because I value my dignity. So I have to choose between safety and my self-esteem...I'm not sure which wins yet.

Oh, and I've also decided that it may not be a good idea to act like a cat to teach my family a lesson because then they'll start to hate me and become passive-aggressive towards me because everyone is passive-aggressive to their cat and like to watch them fall off tall things and make fools of themselves and I don't think I'm at a stage in my life where I can handle that kind of neglect and ridicule. And I like being around people too much to hide in random places.

I was talking to a girl on Omegle earlier as I was typing (If you've never been on Omegle, I suggest you don't go there because there's probably a reason you haven't seen it. It's just a knock-off of Chat-roulette, and you may read some pretty disturbing things, but I digress...) We started talking about blogs, and she gave me the link to hers, so I gave her the link to mine. She begged me to tell her how to make the astronaut helmet thing and said that she would advertise my blog just so I'd tell her, then she disconnected before I could say that it's really not that big of a deal, and it's just paint and a sharpie. So if some random people start following me, I'll know why. I have no idea what her name is, and she didn't follow me, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to tell her that, but oh well...

I need to go to sleep, but I've been listening to "Come on Eileen" on repeat for the past hour and I'm really hyped up. I can't come up with a clever ending line, so I'll post this video so you too may have this stupid song stuck in your head for the rest of eternity...

Goodnight :))

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