Friday, January 14, 2011


That's me right now. I'm freezing! I know I've been all excited for snow or whatever, but I'm done with it. I just want summer so I can wear flip flops and shorts and go swimming. But when it's summer, all I want is winter so I can wrap up in blankets and whatnot.

(this drawing took me forever, by the way)

Anyways, today was pretty good. I only had one set class today: Teaching Internship. Our schedules haven't been set up yet, so all we do is come into the classroom and play "Drug Dealer." I love that game! There's nine girls in there, and we all just show up and play cards and try to get Mr. Shields to play Taylor Swift for the opening of the daily announcements.

I couldn't go see my "Little" so I just came home at 9:30. I've been trying not to nap all the time, because it just messes up my sleeping schedule, but I got suuuper sleepy around 11:00, and my dad said he'd wake me up by noon so I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal. I ended up sleeping until 2:50 when I had to go pick up my sister from school. I've been taking my dog with me when we go so I've been getting a lot of weird looks (my dog is HUGE.) I got my chores done and went and got gas, then waited around until it was time to leave for karate.

Karate was pretty fantastic. We went through a lot of stuff that we haven't been able to lately. I always feel really good during karate. It's like I block out all the crud that's been messing with me lately and completely focus on what I'm doing. Recently I actually thought about giving up karate for a while. I didn't know if that would help me feel better, but then I realized that it'd probably make things worse. I don't even know what's wrong, but I know karate helps. Besides, I'm testing at the end of this month for my first blue tip for my red belt. I'm getting seriously close to being eligible to test for black belt. After this month, I have six more months to test for my second blue tip, then my black belt test whenever I'm able to. So I have anywhere from eight to fifteen months. That sounds like a lot, but it's really not when put into perspective.

I've noticed lately how fast time seems to be going. The last four years have just gone by like nothing. Six months feels like nothing. I graduate in four months. My senior project is due in the next three months, which reminds me that I STILL need to go to Walmart and get a notebook for it.

I have newspaper tomorrow which I'm looking forward to. I thought I was going to hate that class, but lately it's been a lot of fun. We sit around and share crazy stories and laugh our butts off. For February's edition I get to write an article over the Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation. Google it. That crap's real.

But now I must try to get some sleep. My stomach's hurtin' real bad because I came home and ate a pack of White Castle frozen mini burger things, and they were nasty. They're one of those foods you know are disgusting, but you eat anyways...kind of like vienna sausages. Anyways, off to bed I go.

Goodnight :)

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