Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful...

I haven't posted since Thursday, so I sort of feel obligated to do so today even though not many people read this.

Let's see...what's happened since Thursday?

Friday I made a hot fudge cheesecake for my friend John after I got out of school at 9:30. He left Saturday morning to move to be with his soon-to-be wife. I went to drop the cheesecake off and was bombarded into going to eat, to Wal-mart and eating some of the cheesecake. It got to be time to leave, so I hugged him and said my goodbye, and I'm really proud of myself because I made it to my car before I cried (I cried on Thursday after his last class here and kind of got teased for it). I'm really happy for him, but it sucks that he's gone. He's been a brother/therapist/teacher to me for the past couple years, and we're all really going to miss him.

Saturday wasn't much better. I sat around my house being a bum and slept a lot. I went to Wal-mart at 10:30 with my mom and sister and got a mouth organ. Or a harmonica, whatever you want to call it, but I prefer mouth organ...I stayed up until 5 in the morning because I had slept so much during the day. As soon as I get done typing this I'm going to practice because I'm bound and determined to learn how to play at least one song.

Sunday I woke up at 12:30 and went to my grade school best friend's baby shower at 2:00. It was so bizarre. I kept thinking how it seems like just yesterday we were running around in our shiny purple pants, nerd glasses and Scooby Doo tshirts and going to Girl Scouts and playing on the playground. I remember one year we organized a group of ten or so girls to be in a commercial for a chocolate covered banana thing we planned on making to sell at her grandparents' gas station. We wrote a song and assigned parts and actually did really well directing the whole thing. The rest of Sunday I hung around with some people and then decorated cookies. I ended up not going to sleep until 1:00 or so and it killed me this morning.

I am pretty excited today though because it FINALLY snowed! It's been going pretty heavy for awhile now.

I drove for the first time on it this morning and was a little late because I took my time. I got out three hours later and the roads had already slicked up a bit. I didn't know how to do the brakes, so I hit them a little hard at one point and almost slid into a stop sign. I got home and changed into sweat pants as soon as possible, and now I think I may go make a sandwich...I'm not sure why I'm always talking about sandwiches on this blog, because I'm not really all that obsessed with them...even though I do make pretty fantastic sandwiches. Or pasta...yeah. I'm going to make pasta. And I'm seriously just sitting here typing down my thoughts, but I don't want to backspace so I'm just going to leave it. Yeah...

p.s- Here's my pasta.
Don't judge me, I know there's a ton of it. Mother Nature hates me right now, so I feel I'm within my rights to give my dying body all the pasta it can eat.

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