Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Post

So I've decided to write a blog for a number of reasons.
1) I'd like to remember the random day-to-day nonsense that I go through if I ever choose to look back.
2) I've been told it'd be a good idea, and I'm easily susceptible to positive family/peer pressure. (Is that really a bad thing?)
3) I've been reading various blogs/MyLifeIsAverage a lot today, and I guess it inspired me.

But anyways, about me. My name is Alayna, and I'm a senior at the only high school in a slightly small town in Kansas. Some people hate it here, but I kind of love it. I know the names of pretty much everyone in my graduating class, but then again, that's not the biggest accomplishment considering there are only about 130 of us. My family is pretty much average: a dad, a mom, a little sister and a big brother who's grown and has a family of his own. I've been in karate for the past two and a half years, and it's a big reason I am who I am.

I'm not sure how I'd describe myself. I can be a bit of a spaz, but I think it makes life interesting. I'm OCD about some things, but not about others. I'm a serious hopeless romantic. Next fall I'm going to start college with the intended major of Elementary Education. I could speak to a group of forty seven year olds easier than I could talk to a group of seven forty year olds. I'm still a kid at heart and I love doing things like building little hideouts and going to the park. I like to break out in dance at random times and in random places, but with me it's more of a wild flailing than actual dancing.
Today is January 1, 2011. In other words, 1-1-11. I am extremely excited by the fact that all the numbers are the same. I'm easily entertained (apparently). Another example of my easily excitable nature: yesterday I dead-legged myself at a New Year's Eve party, and as I was bending over, grabbing onto my thighs in self-inflicted excruciating pain, I was immediately distracted by the hot pink bright-ness of my socks, and got really excited.

We rang in the New Year like we normally do: watching the "adults" become slightly intoxicated, eating mini weiners and assorted cheeses, dancing around maniacally, and then setting off left over fireworks from the Fourth of July. I'm not a normal high school senior. Instead of going out and partying, I hung out with a few close friends and my family at my place, but I'd rather have it that way. After everybody left it was just my parents, my sister, Raye, her boyfriend, Jared, and me. I ended up stayed up until 5-ish this morning playing Sims, which I've become a little addicted to.

Today was a pretty normal day. I woke up, messed around on Facebook, played more Sims, filled my bathtub with pillows and hung out there awhile, then started this thing. And at one point, I needed to dry off my hands. I didn't want to choose between any of the four towels hanging up in my bathroom, so I used all of them so as to not hurt the feelings of any of the others. (yeah, yeah, I know...)

Tomorrow should be interesting. I have plans to drive to the next town over to go to the park with someone who understands my randomoscity, so I should be posting more tomorrow with an update. :)

1 comment:

  1. Heeey, I know bout this :D. I am also your first follower (No creeper) LOL. I don't really know what to comment except I can't wait to see what this year has in store for either of us :P
