Monday, January 3, 2011


My title is pretty freakin' awesome. It's a little kirby thing hugging. The c's are his arms, the parentheses are his chubby belly, the apostrophes are his eyes, and the dash is his non-smiling mouth...I feel kind of sad because I had to ask my mom how to spell apostrophe...but it's still awesome.

Anyways...what kind of fruit cakes go to Sonic at 10:00 at night in flippin' January to get ice cream?! Well......that would be my sister and me. I got one of those red velvet cake blast things with cheese cake chunks in it. Every time I get a blast, I always end up just searching around the ice cream to search for chunks of the candy or whatever's in it.

Blasts are a couple dollars a piece, so wouldn't it just be a better idea to go to the gas station and buy a candy bar? Or with the money I save from just getting that I could buy TWO candy bars. I never even eat much of the ice cream after the chunks and whip cream are gone. Maybe I'm not paying for the ice cream at all, but for the fun I get to have while searching for random chunks of goodness. I'm so easy to entertain. I always get a "HECK YEAH!!" moment when I find a huge chunk of candy, like I won the freakin' lottery or something.

I seriously didn't want to type two paragraphs of nonsense about how I like to search for candy in my ice cream, but I guess that's just how I roll.

What I REALLY meant to write about was my night, and how I'm really not looking forward to school tomorrow.

I had a really good time tonight. We had class for the first time since the 14th of December, if I remember correctly. We got warmed up with some basics and then we partnered off for joint locks. I got partnered up with Matt (random park buddy). Then we had to go through my highest form: Ba Sai. I learned how to do some parts better than I knew how before, but now my legs are KILLING me. I'm using a lot of CAPS tonight. I have no idea why. Maybe I'm just IN THE MOOD TO YELL. I also just noticed that when I'm typing with all capital letters I smack the keyboard a little harder. Maybe I'm just trying to communicate to my computer just how much I mean what I'm saying. One of these days I'm going to have an entire conversation with someone where I just yell at them the entire time. Then they'll ask why I'm yelling, and I'll reply, "I'M STUCK ON CAPS LOCK. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TURN IT OFF." And then I'll have one less friend, but hey, if they can't handle my weird-ness then they really couldn't be my friend in the first place, but anyways....

Crap. I forgot what I was talking about......oh yeah, how much school sucks. Actually, it's not going to be so bad anymore. This is the last semester of high school for me, and my schedule is pretty fantastic. We have a rotating, two day system. One day is purple, the next is gold, then back to purple and so on and so forth. Purple day has blocks one through three, advisory, then four. Gold days have blocks five through seven, advisory, then eight. Blocks last an hour and twenty-six minutes and advisory lasts thirty. Tomorrow is purple. I only have two classes: English 8 and Newspaper, then I leave at 11. Gold days are even better. I'm in a Teaching Internship class during first block. Last semester we got to rotate through the grades, observing them all, and this semester we get to pick one to get more involved with. I'm talking teaching entire lessons to a group of twenty little kids. I'm STOKED. I haven't decided whether I want to do kindergarten or preschool, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather do preschool. I might decide to do kindergarten though because my second block is community service and I'll be at the elementary school already. I get to go see my "Little", Michaela, and I go with her to gym, music, art or library. I only stay until 10:30 so I'll get out earlier on those days. I'm going to try to get a job so I can be productive with my new free time and actually earn money and grow up a little. But tomorrow I think I'm going to come home, and maybe eat a sandwich...or one and a half...

1 comment:

  1. (>^.^)> I love these little huggy dudes. and totally random commets :)
