Sunday, February 6, 2011

You Say Yes, I Say No, You Say Stop, I Say Go Go Go :)

Ok, so apparently I'm needing to educate a friend of mine on Glee.

Below are two of my favorite performances of theirs.

It's not all about the singing. The story line is interesting, and you kind of get attached to the characters. It's on when we're at karate on Tuesdays, so I always TiVo it. I'm tempted to have a marathon and make my friend watch it, but for some that may qualify as cruel and unusual punishment.

Anyways, about what's been happening lately...
As you can see from my videos posted below, we got some snow. Like, knee deep snow. It's been fun to play in and go sledding, even though some people couldn't go due to being snowed in or sick or whatnot and that was a bummer. My head and neck are killing me from wiping out yesterday and bashing my head on the ground. I'm told it looked really cool, but I'm still regretting it. My knee got a little hyper extended because I'm an IDIOT. I was standing at the bottom of the hill and my sister was coming down on her stomach. I stood there and watched her come straight at me. I didn't even try to move. She rammed into my knees and took me out. That same day the two biggest guys there were messing around and got a little crazy coming down as I was hiking up and slammed into my knees again. I turned a little so it hit me on the side and not full front, and I'm really lucky for that. It definitely could have broken my knee. Broken knee equals no karate, so that's no bueno.

You know what else equals no karate? ALL THIS FLIPPIN' SNOW. Snow days for school means karate is cancelled, so I haven't had class since Monday. I'm definitely training tomorrow, no matter how cruddy I feel. *coughpromotioncough* Yeah, I'm excited, even though I've been trying to be patient. Saturday there was a skating party for everybody, and I went. I haven't skated in about five years, and I forgot how much I love it. I wish it wasn't nerdy to go there anymore, or I defintely would.

I'm kind of excited for tomorrow. I start Internship at the Pre-K. I have that from 8:00 until 9:30, then I'll go to the elementary school to see my Little. I'll have a little break before I need to be at the VoTech to go to CNA from noon til 5, and I'm pretty sure we're going to have to stay the full five hours to make up hours we missed because of the snow. And then karate!! I'm so excited.

Anyways, it's extremely difficult for me to type right now because I'm arguing about pants and leprechauns and other various topics, so that's all for tonight.

Adios yall :)

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