Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Ate Your Cups, and They Were Delicious :)

Valentine's Day is coming up.

6th grade: Got dumped by the boy I had crushed on since 3rd grade for the last time. I got him a box full of mini Reese's peanut butter cups, and ate every single one of them :) What kind of guy dumps a girl on Valentine's Day? Seriously...

7th grade: Stuco had a fundraiser where they sold carnations and I ended up "dating" the only guy that gave me one. We lasted about a week.

8th grade: Hated that year, but I wasn't single.

9th grade: First Valentine's Day with Jesse. Giant teddy bear in the front seat of his car. Stereotypically cute :)

10th grade: Wow. Won't go into detail, but it was amazing. The sweetest thing that's ever been done for me.

11th grade: Nothing special, but still nice :)

12th grade: ?

I have karate that night, so it's not like I'm going to be sitting around alone, but it's the first Valentine's Day since middle school that I've been single. I'm trying to work through my options.

Option 1: Say eff Valentine's Day all together, and go it alone.
Option 2: Hang out with a friend, but even if we say it's just as friends, I know it won't end up being that way, and I'm not sure about that.
Option 3: Give in and be all mushy and junk. Don't get me wrong, I'm about as mushy as mashed potatoes, but still...

I just realized my head is REALLY lumpy. I knew it was shaped weird, but DANG. Yes, I realize I just went off in a completely different direction than where this post started, but my head is killing me. I had about a solid month without a single headache (which was heaven, since I had the same headache from April until December.) But the past week or so I've felt horrible. I've felt this constant pressure at the base of my skull, not always painful, but always uncomfortable. My mom said there's probably nothing to worry about, because I recently had to get an MRI done on it for the headaches, and something would've shown up if there were a problem.

It's to the point now where I just gotta lie down in the dark, and hopefully it'll be gone by tomorrow...


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