Friday, February 18, 2011

The Birds are Singing :)

I've been told to just ramble. Except I don't know what I'm going to ramble about. I'm not going to backspace though, no matter what I do. I mean, I'll backspace if I make a typo, but not for content.

Tuesday was somethin' else. I headed to karate at about 3:45 after running some errands for my mom. I road there with my window down, sunglasses on and Dani California blarin'. I miss summer so bad. Anyways, I was there early to assist Jesse with classes. He knew I wasn't feelin' so good so he didn't have me do much, but everything went well the times I did help. Ugh, I didn't know it was possible for me to be angry at a five year old, but tonight I was. I was showing this girl how to get out of a front choke, and I had her grab me, and she dug her nails into my trachea and squeezed hard. Her face even contorted into a funky "I'ma kill you!" expression. Maybe I imagined it, but whatever. Five year olds aren't the strongest, but when it's somewhere as vulnerable as your neck, any kind of pressure there is uncool.

My class started at 7:45, and there weren't that many people there. I learned the rest of Nanhaichi, or however you spell it, and I'm really excited about that. We went over some partner drills and freestyle sparring combinations. I absolutely HATE those. You gotta go from one line to another making up stuff as you go. I feel like such an idiot when I do it. I go from looking like a 2nd gup to a white belt, just awkward and unconfident.

Anyways, I went home and went to bed, then Wednesday I had CNA at noon. I got picked in the random drug screening thing, so I had to go to the hospital to get that done. I have no idea why, but I was terrified to take the test. I've never done drugs in my life, but there's just something about it that I don't like. I got back to class and had to make a bed with someone in it. I got partnered up with a real peach of a woman (sarcasm, of course). She's been a CNA for blah-blah blah years and where she comes from, they do it like blah-blah-blah. So annoying. But she just rushed through it and barely let me catch up. It's not a hard process, but I'm still learning and still kind of need to take my time with things, but yeah...

Class let out at 4:30 then I jet to the studio to help Jesse, once again. I'm getting more comfortable being in classes. My instructor has been really sick, but he made it up for the later classes. He said he was really impressed with how I was projecting my voice, and that was a big boost to my confidence. I attempted to study during the class before mine, but that didn't go so well. Besides a few injuries to others in there, class went well. There was a little drama afterwards, but it's all been taken care of.

Thursday was a really good day. This weather is crazy. Before the snow even melted, it was up above seventy degrees. I wore shorts for the first time in forEVER. My legs are seriously pale. I mean, I'm always pale, but the parts you usually see are the parts that usually get the sun. My legs have been hidden since fall, and you can definitely tell. (<<< that's a reason I shouldn't ramble on here. I start to go in depth on just how pale my legs are..) My sister and I rode around and went and ate. We got to the studio a little early, and trained. I had fun in class, and kind of skinned up my knuckles a little. Afterwards we taped throws, and I'm about to start editing a video to post on here and on Facebook.

Today is Friday. It's not as nice as it was yesterday, but it still feels amazing. I'm in the mood to just go driving, and keep driving, with the windows down, sunglasses on and the music way up. I'm feeling so blah, but I'm extrememly restless. I don't think anything's going on tonight. Tomorrow night I'm going to go see Grease. My high school's putting it on and some of my friends are in it. Other than that I have no idea what's going on.

I'm having a seriously hard time focusing right now. I'm thinking it's because of this weather, so I'm going to go start editing the video.

Later :)

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