Monday, February 7, 2011

Make a Wish :)

I'm not sure what I want to talk about. After I posted this morning I went to CNA class. It was really interesting today. We went over a lot of infection control and stuff like that, then we started on body mechanics. On Wednesday (if it's not a snow day) we're going to start partnering up and lifing each other and acting like old people. At some point in the near future I have to go scrub shopping. I want to check Wal-Mart, the scrub shop here, and then I heard there was one in the next town over that has good prices. I also gotta get a watch, a mini notepad and a mini tub of Vicks to block out icky smells.

Class let out, and I eventually made it home. I didn't really do anything except relax until it was time for karate. Tonight I got promoted. I got my first blue tip for my red belt, so I'm one step closer to black belt :) We did some partner work, forms and push ups in class tonight. My arms are already aching a little from the push ups. I'm such a girl. I could do sit ups and crunches all day long, but I can't do a proper push up to save my life.

In the second adult class we went over Korean terminology, and I knew all eighteen, so I was pretty happy about not having to worry about learning any new ones. I then got partnered up with two women in there to go over joint locks. I don't know why, but we just kept busting up laughing and couldn't focus. One of the ladies kept saying "you're so adorablllle!" when I was actually trying to do well, and I was like, "No! I'm HARDCORE!!" It's like when a little chihuahua thinks it's big and bad, and every one else is like, "awww, look at it!"

Anyways, I wanted to go to the Rubber Chicken Factory at the college tonight, but things didn't work out, so we'll definitely have to go next month. (March 7, 9:00 pm, jussayin' :P) I came home and ate supper, and now I'm sittin' in bed. I really should go to sleep early tonight. I haven't been sleeping well lately. SIDENOTE: I just realized that I kind of cheat at 11:11. My phone is a minute faster than my laptop, so I make a wish on my cell, wait a minute, then make the same wish again on my laptop. But I digress: sleeping hasn't been going well, but I'm suuuper tired, so I think I might try soon. Or I could read a little first. I haven't been reading as much as I used to, and I think I'm going to start again.

I'm at the point in my post where I realize that I've just been rambling, so I'm going to get off now before I change the subject again.

Later taters :)

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