Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just a Kiss :)

Some people need to give country a chance :)

I'm so excited for Monday :). James is coming up from Tulsa so I get to spend time with him :). It'll have only been a week since we met when I see him again, but I feel like I've known him for years (in a totally awesome way). I'm really anxious to see how things are now that we actually know how the other one feels, even though when we met we could already tell what the other was thinking :). It's crazy because I've never really talked for long periods of time on the phone and not got bored but him and I just talk and talk and talk and completely lose track of time :). 

Earlier I had a pessimistic moment and I still feel like a douche about it (but James is my awesome Optimism-Reinforcer, so it didn't last long). Not to be cliche (even though this entire situation is pretty cliche and movie-worthy), but it feels too good to be true. Like after all this crap that I've been through, why are things finally turning around?
I've decided to try my hardest not to be a downer anymore. If I worry so much about what could go wrong, how am I going to enjoy what goes right?

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