Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Suck At Blogging (UPDATED)

(This was supposed to post last night but I have no idea why it didn't so I'll just post it now...)

So much for this whole blogging thing, aye? I thought I was going to be able to keep up with it, but I suck at these things.

Since I posted last I got my CNA (definitely not my thing), changed my career choice a hundred times, graduated high school, went to karate camp, went through some shit, turned 18, now here we are...

CNA and nursing definitely won't work for me. Clinicals were disgusting but interesting. I thought I wanted to go into nursing, but medicine really isn't the place for me. I've decided that I'm not going to even worry about deciding what I want until I have to decide. I'm just going to keep an open mind until then. It's like a puzzle. If I find a new piece, or even lose a few, I'm going to have to rearrange the whole thing to find the new picture. So far I have my classes lined up for this year and my dorm and everything, so we'll just see how it all goes.
Graduation was how I expected it to be: too many pictures, a couple tears and a HUGE feeling of relief.

Camp was a really good experience for me (except getting stung by a scorpion). We had the adult camp before all the kids got there, and even in the year between the 2 camps, I can really tell a difference and how much I've grown. When all the kids got there I had a lot more responsibility than I have before as an instructor and role model. I was a D-Group leader and lead 11 other kids/teens. I got baptized, which was a big deal for me. I had never been baptized and was really self conscious about it, but it felt good to stand up in front of so many people and make that decision. 

When I got back, some stuff happened. I've been so incredibly depressed lately, but I'm not going to go into detail :/ Shit happens, but I just had to go through it to get over it I guess. I let myself fall into a hole. I would sleep in incredibly late, sit around, go to karate, stay up incredibly, then get up and do it all over again. I had fallen into a rut, and just felt empty.
On my birthday I didn't want attention or a party or anything, but my sister put one together. I had a decent time with everything that had been happening. The week after that was nothing, but then I went to a concert in Tulsa and met a guy...

I didn't even want to go to the stinkin' concert! But I figured one night out couldn't hurt. As soon as Jared and them were done playing I wanted to leave, until I met him :)
I've been messed with about it taking a guy to put me in a good mood, but I don't really care. :) We hit it off really well, like, what you'd see in the movies, and I'm incredibly excited to see where things go between us :)

(I won't go into any more detail because people don't wanna read about that mushy stuff (; )

It's currently 4 in the morning. I can't wait until I can sleep through the night again. I don't think I'm going to train tomorrow because I got hit pretty hard in the neck last night so I'm in all sorts of pain :/

But I guess since now I'm caught up and I don't feel the need to rant about anything I'll get off here and watch Despicable Me 'til I can hopefully fall asleep. Maybe I'll actually try again with this blogging stuff at some point?

Toodles :)

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